Event video production

Top 10 Mistakes Corporate Event Planners Make in Live Event Video Production

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OnSite Live Team

Avoiding Pitfalls: Top 10 Mistakes Corporate Event Planners Make in Live Event Video Production


Live event video production is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and capturing the essence of corporate events. However, corporate event planners often encounter challenges and pitfalls during the planning and execution stages. 

This comprehensive blog post will discuss the top 10 common mistakes corporate event planners make when planning and executing live event video production. You can ensure a smooth and successful video production process at your next event by being aware of these mistakes and learning how to avoid them.

  1. Insufficient Planning and Preparation

One of the most critical mistakes event planners make is inadequate planning and preparation. Failing to develop a detailed plan and timeline can lead to missed shots, disorganization, and delays. 

To avoid this, establish clear objectives, define your target audience, and create a comprehensive production plan. Include details about equipment, crew members, locations, and shot lists. Develop a timeline that covers pre-production, production, and post-production phases to ensure a smooth flow of activities.

  1. Lack of Effective Communication with the Video Production Team

Communication breakdowns with the event video production company can impact the success of a live event video production. Failing to communicate your expectations, goals, and requirements to the video production team can lead to misunderstandings and unsatisfactory results. 

Maintain open and regular communication with your event video services team, including the videographer, camera operators, audio technicians, and editors. Clearly communicate the event's schedule, key messages or moments, and specific shots or angles.

  1. Poor Lighting and Audio Quality
conference videos

Lighting and audio quality are crucial elements that impact the overall production value of your live event video. Neglecting to light well can result in poor visuals with distracting shadows or overexposed or underexposed scenes, impacting the viewer's experience. Invest in professional lighting equipment and ensure proper placement and adjustment throughout the event. Utilize external microphones and conduct sound checks to ensure clear and balanced audio.

  1. Neglecting Backup Plans and Contingencies

Live events are often prone to unexpected challenges, such as technical glitches, power outages, or weather-related issues. Failing to have backup plans and contingencies can lead to disruptions and compromises in the video production process. 

Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans for each scenario. Ensure backup equipment, alternative power sources, and communication channels are readily available. Rehearse and test these backup plans in advance to minimize the impact of unforeseen circumstances.

  1. Failure to Capture Sufficient B-roll Footage

B-roll footage is an essential element of any live event video production. It provides context and visual variety and enhances the storytelling. Neglecting to capture sufficient B-roll footage is a common mistake event planners make, resulting in a lackluster final edit. Designate a team member or dedicated videographer to capture B-roll footage during the event. Capture shots of the venue, audience reactions, event signage, and other relevant details. Incorporate these shots strategically throughout the final edit to add depth and visual interest to highlights video.

  1. Inadequate Time Management

Time management is crucial in live event video production. Poor time management can lead to rushed shots, missed opportunities, and compromised footage quality. Create a detailed production schedule that includes setup and breakdown times, specific shot durations, and ample buffer time for unexpected delays. Communicate the schedule effectively with audience members and your team and ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. Stick to the schedule as closely as possible to maintain a smooth and efficient production flow.

  1. Ignoring Legal and Consent Considerations:

During live or virtual event filming and video production, it's important to consider legal and consent requirements. Seek approval from speakers, performers, and attendees to capture and use their images and footage in your videos. Display clear signage and obtain consent from attendees. Consult legal experts or review local regulations to ensure privacy and intellectual property laws compliance.

  1. Overlooking Post-production Editing and Review

Post-production editing is a crucial step that adds the finishing touches to your live event video. However, event planners often need to pay more attention to this phase or rush through it, compromising the quality of the final product. Allocate sufficient time and resources for post-production editing. Organize and review your footage, select the best shots, and edit them together cohesively. 

Pay attention to pacing, transitions, color grading, audio enhancement, and graphic overlays. Seek feedback from colleagues or trusted individuals before finalizing the video.

  1. Neglecting Promotion and Distribution Strategies

Creating an extraordinary live event video is only part of the equation. Neglecting to plan for its promotion and distribution can limit its reach and impact. Develop a strategy for promoting and distributing your video through appropriate channels, such as your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. 

Craft engaging captions, utilize relevant hashtags, and encourage sharing and engagement from event participants and attendees. Monitor metrics and gather feedback to refine your brand and promotion strategies for future events.

  1. Failing to Conduct Post-Event Review And Analysis

After the live event video production, evaluating its success is crucial. Neglecting to review and analyze the process can hinder improvement. Assess the video's impact on your target audience, engagement metrics, and feedback from viewers. Identify areas of improvement. 

Use this knowledge to refine your strategies and enhance future live event video productions. As virtual events continue to gain popularity, corporate event planners face new challenges in planning and executing engaging and successful virtual experiences. 

However, even with the best intentions, common mistakes can hinder the effectiveness and impact of a live virtual event. In this blog post, we'll explore the top five common mistakes corporate event planners make when planning and executing a live virtual event. Event planners can ensure a seamless and memorable virtual event experience by understanding these mistakes and learning how to avoid them.


Corporate event planners can ensure a smooth and successful live event video production process by being aware of these common mistakes and following the suggested strategies to avoid them. 

You can create impactful and engaging event videos, that capture the essence of your corporate events through effective planning, communication, attention to technical details, capturing compelling footage, and strategic post-production editing. Remember to continuously evaluate and learn from each experience to improve and refine future event video productions.