Event video production

5 Errors Corporate Event Planners Can Avoid When Picking Webcasting Services for Their Live Video Events

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5 Errors Corporate Event Planners Can Avoid When Picking Webcasting Services for Their Live Video Events

Finding the right webcasting services to support virtual audiences for an event video production has become vital for corporate event planners. Webcasting can connect audiences globally, provide engaging content, and leave a lasting impression when executed correctly. However, mistakes in choosing an event webcasting services vendor can have negative consequences. Here are five errors to avoid when partnering with a vendor on webcasting services:

1. Not Relying on Vendors For Advice To Help Define Your Specific Needs

The Error:

A significant mistake when picking webcasting services for live video events is not taking advantage of a vendor's specialized knowledge. Most webcasting services providers are great resources that can consult on your event without adding extra cost for the advice. 

Webcasting is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of technology, audience engagement, and content delivery. If a webcasting services company just parrots back your needs without adding value, you should pass.

How to Avoid:

Avoid this mistake by engaging with potential vendors early in the process and seeking their advice on your specific needs.  Then, they can tailor solutions that align perfectly with your event's objectives. Webcasting is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of technology, audience engagement, and content delivery. 

Your vendor is not just a service provider but a partner in success, equipped with the experience to navigate the technical landscape of live video, social media sharing, and streaming. Ignoring this expertise can lead to misaligned expectations, technical mishaps, or even a complete failure of the event. It's not merely about hiring a service; it's about collaborating with experts who can turn your vision into a live experience that resonates with your audience.

2. Choosing Price Over Quality

The Error:

Selecting what appears to be the best webcasting services company based solely on cost can compromise the quality of your event. This is one of the most common and perilous mistakes in selecting the best webcasting services for live webcast and video events.

How to Avoid:

Look beyond the price tag and assess the value you receive. Consider the provider's reputation, previous work, and what's included in the quoted price. Spending a bit more ensures a smoother experience. While keeping costs in check is a practical concern, sacrificing quality to save a few dollars can have dire consequences. 

Low-cost, new, or inexperienced services may need more essential features, reliability, or professional support, leading to a subpar viewing experience that can frustrate attendees and harm your brand's reputation. Investing in a powerful webcasting service means prioritizing clear visuals, crisp audio, smooth streaming, and robust security.

It's about recognizing that the success of your live video event and marketing presentations is directly tied to the audio and video quality and experience you provide. By balancing cost considerations with a focus on quality, you can make an informed decision that reflects well on your organization and ensures a successful and engaging event.

3. Assuming the Webinar Software Will Meet Your Needs

The Error:

Assuming that the webinar software will automatically fit your needs without proper vetting can lead to compatibility and functionality issues.  Not all webinar platforms are created equal, and simply assuming that particular software will align with your specific requirements can result in many problems, such as compatibility issues with various devices, inadequate security measures, on demand support, or a lack of essential features.

How to Avoid:

Work with your vendor to understand the features you might need, such as sophisticated reporting tools, capturing attendee registrations, sending event email reminders, creating promotional registration pages, or syncing presentation slides to the video.  Also, understand what branding options and marketing tools are available.  For example, some platforms like Zoom don’t allow for branding and have weak analytics to help measure the event’s success.  Whereas platforms like Webinar.net support full branding and analytics.

Test the webinar software in advance, evaluating how well it aligns with your event's goals, online audience, and technological landscape. Engaging with your webcasting service provider to understand the software's capabilities and limitations can ensure that the chosen platform perfectly complements your online audience’s needs, leading to a seamless and memorable live video experience for all participants.

4. Not Doing a Site Survey to Make Sure the Venue Supports Your Needs

Event Venue

The Error:

Failure to survey the site for technical and logistical support, especially for large scale events, can lead to unexpected problems on the event day, jeopardizing the success of your live video event.

How to Avoid:

Conduct a thorough site survey with your webcasting service provider. Check for sufficient internet bandwidth, electrical support, and other technical requirements for your event's needs. Whether it's a physical venue for a hybrid event or a virtual event platform, understanding the capabilities and limitations of the chosen location is paramount, especially when doing live video streaming. 

Skipping this crucial step can lead to unexpected technical difficulties on the day of the event, ranging from insufficient internet bandwidth to inadequate power supply or acoustic challenges. By conducting a site survey in collaboration with the webcasting services provider, you can ensure that all technical requirements are met, from internet connectivity to camera positioning and lighting. This proactive approach allows you to identify and address potential issues in advance, ensuring that the venue perfectly aligns with the event's needs and providing your audience with a seamless and professional webcasting experience.

5. No Agreement On Levels of Support Before, During, and After the Event

The Error:

Not discussing support issues, expectations, ownership, and service level agreements with the service provider beforehand for virtual events can cause confusion and potential failures during the live event.  This mistake can lead to miscommunication, finger-pointing,  and, ultimately, disruptions during the critical moments of the live event.  It can also lead to issues after the event, such as who is creating and supporting on demand versions of the event.

How to Avoid:

Defining and documenting the support roles, responsibilities, and expectations with your service provider beforehand is vital. This includes outlining the technical support needed during the planning phase, the training sessions required, and any follow-up or post-event needs. This agreement ensures that everyone is on the same page, support is readily available when needed, and there is a seamless collaboration between all parties involved. It builds trust and alignment, contributing to a smooth, engaging, and successful live video event.


Choosing the best webcasting service for live video events is a critical decision that requires careful consideration and planning. Corporate event planners can ensure a successful and engaging webcast by avoiding these common errors and working closely with experienced vendors. Remember, your choice of webcasting service reflects your brand, and event webcasting well executed can elevate your brand's image in the eyes of your audience. Always prioritize quality, collaboration, and attention to detail to always create a memorable live video experience.