Event video production

Onsite Video Production As a Marketing Strategy

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OnSite Live Team

Mastering Onsite Video Production As a Marketing Strategy

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, video content has emerged as a dominant and engaging content that captivates audiences like never before. As your buyers increasingly turn to videos for information, entertainment, and inspiration, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to stay relevant and effectively connect with their target audience. 

One powerful approach to brand awareness and demand generation that has gained traction in recent years is live onsite video production. This article explores the benefits and best practices of incorporating event video production into your marketing strategy to elevate your organization and brand, engage customers, and drive business growth.

TechGrowth is a full-service onsite video production company that can supply all your AV equipment, crew, and webcasting software to power flawless events.  Go here to learn more.

The Power of Video Content

Onsite video production involves shooting video content at specific locations or within the premises of your business, bringing authenticity, immediacy, and a personal touch to your content. Unlike studio shoots that can feel scripted and distant, onsite videos have a genuine and relatable appeal that resonates with viewers. 

Whether you're capturing a customer or employee event, showcasing behind-the-scenes glimpses of life in your company culture, highlighting your products in action, or capturing customer testimonials on-site, this form of video content enables you to connect with your audience more emotionally.

Benefits of A Live Video Production

Live video production offers numerous benefits for marketers, enabling them to connect with their audience in real-time and create engaging content. Here are some advantages:

1. Authenticity and Immediacy

Live onsite videos provide an authentic and immediate way to engage with the audience. The real-time nature of the content builds trust and credibility, as viewers know they are witnessing unfiltered and unscripted moments.

2. Enhanced Engagement

Live videos tend to capture more attention and engagement compared to pre-recorded content. The live aspect encourages viewers to participate, comment, and interact with the brand while filming the event.

3. Increased Reach

Social media platforms often prioritize live content, boosting its visibility to a broader audience. This expanded reach can help marketers tap into new segments and attract potential customers.

4. Real-Time Feedback and Interaction:

Marketers can receive instant feedback and questions from the audience during the live event session. This direct interaction allows for immediate responses and personalized engagement.

5. Opportunity for Product Demonstrations:

Live onsite video production enables marketers to showcase products or services in action, providing a more immersive and convincing experience for potential customers.

6. Event Promotion and Coverage:

Marketers can use live videos to promote upcoming events and provide real-time coverage during the event. This enhances event visibility and engages those unable to attend (see below).

7. Builds Brand Authority:

Delivering valuable and informative content through live videos establishes the brand as an industry authority. Marketers can position their brand as a go-to resource for their target audience by sharing expertise, technology, and knowledge.

8. Creates FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):

Live videos create a sense of urgency among viewers, generating FOMO. People tune in live to avoid missing out on exclusive content or offers.

9. Cost-Effective:

Live videos can be produced with minimal equipment and resources, making them a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to high-budget film productions.

10. Measurable Results:

Many social media platforms offer analytics for live videos, enabling marketers to measure the performance and success of their live content in real-time.

11. Humanizes the Brand:

Live videos allow marketers to put a human face to their brand. Marketers humanize the brand by showcasing team members, behind-the-scenes moments, or employee interviews, fostering deeper connections with the audience.

12. Repurposable Content:

Live videos can be repurposed in post production into other content formats, such as snippets, highlights, or longer-form videos, extending the content's lifespan and reaching different audiences.

Overall, live onsite video production is a dynamic and powerful tool that empowers marketers to engage their audience in real-time, build brand trust, and drive meaningful interactions, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness and business growth.

Best Practices for Onsite Video Production

The best combination for the production process is to have your production team partner with a third party who is an expert in live video content production. A third-party production team has the technical expertise gained from running live events before and can advise you on the best practices to eliminate errors that can ruin a shoot.

Plan Ahead

Careful planning is key to successful onsite video production. Define your objectives, script your content, crew, and production team to ensure all logistics are in place before shooting.

Scout Locations

Choose locations that align with your brand identity, message, and messaging—scout venues for natural lighting and appropriate acoustics to optimize video quality.

Invest in Quality Equipment

While onsite videos embrace authenticity, investing in quality video, camera, and audio equipment is crucial to ensure professional production standards.  Plan to work with third party professionals who have run onsite video productions and can recommend best practices for flawless video production.

Capture Real Moments

Embrace spontaneity during shoots to capture genuine moments and reactions that add to the authenticity of the shoot and your video.

Be Mindful of Background Noise

Avoid shooting in noisy environments, as distracting background noise can compromise the quality of your shot or video.

Edit with Purpose

Video editing is essential. In post production, edit your onsite videos strategically to maintain the authentic feel while highlighting key messages and trimming or editing any irrelevant footage.


The content and quality of your corporate videos are very important, but if no one shows up to watch, your efforts are wasted.  Put as much effort and focus into promoting your events as you produce them.

Promoting live video content to customers requires a strategic approach to maximize engagement and anticipation. Here are some best practices to effectively market such an event.

Pre-Event Teasers

Create teaser videos or social media posts to build excitement leading up to the event. Offer glimpses of behind-the-scenes preparations or highlight key speakers or performers to entice customers.

Event Landing Page

Design a dedicated landing page on your website that provides essential event details, including date, time, location, and registration information. Use compelling visuals and persuasive copy to encourage sign-ups.

Email Marketing

Send personalized email invitations to your customer base, outlining the event's value proposition and benefits. Use persuasive subject lines to encourage email open rates and drive event registrations.

Social Media Promotion 

Leverage all your social media platforms to promote the event. Create engaging posts, share event updates, and use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience.

Event Partnerships

Collaborate with influencers, industry experts, or relevant organizations to co-promote the event. Their endorsement can add credibility and the ability to attract a wider audience.

Contests and Giveaways

Run online contests or giveaways related to the event to increase engagement and encourage event registrations. Offer free event tickets or exclusive perks to winners.

Live Q&A Sessions 

Host live Q&A sessions on social media platforms, where customers can ask questions about the event and its content. This fosters excitement and provides valuable insights to potential attendees.

Press Releases and Media Coverage

Issue press releases to media outlets and industry publications to garner media coverage and generate buzz around the event.

Paid Promotion

Reach out to industry publications and influencers to see if they have advertising programs that can promote your event.  Or use an agency that specializes in paid content promotion.

Event Reminders

Send timely event reminders to registered attendees through email or SMS to ensure they attend the event.

Post-Event Content

Plan to share highlights and recaps after the event. This extends the event's reach and offers valuable content to those who missed it.

By implementing these best practices, your business can effectively promote and deliver live onsite video production to customers, driving attendance and engagement to make the event a resounding success.


A solid live video marketing strategy can be a game-changer for your brand. By showcasing authenticity, connecting personally, and enhancing storytelling, onsite videos can elevate your marketing efforts and drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

Embrace the art of onsite video, and witness how this powerful tool transforms your marketing strategy and propels your business towards success in the digital age.